Sunday, July 6, 2008

My 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to me. Yeah, I am a year old and there are a bunch of people at my house and a million balloons. Why you ask, I really have no clue, but it is fun.

Well I got a ton of hugs from everyone today , including mom and dad. I don't think they like seeing their little girl getting so big and I don't mean around the waist.
BTW, did I mention I am a daddy's girl? Whenever he comes into the room I make him pick me up and I get really sad when he leaves.
Mom and dad bought my a bike helmet for my birthday because I had to use Rogan's dinosaur helmet every time I went on a bike ride.
To begin my birthday, nanny, on my actual birthday, had flowers sent to my school just for me. It was so sweet.
Then, on my birthday party day, Grandpa Daniels had balloons sent to me. Who knew how fun balloons could be?
Around 3:00ish all these people showed up and brought me presents. I didn't really open the presents because I was so distracted by everyone else, but I have played with all my toys since then. Thank you everyone!

When it came time for cake I kept tricking mom and dad and would pretend like I was going to take a big bite out of my cake and then would back off. Hee hee. I'm a dainty eater, no sugar for me. Yah right!
I had a great day, now get out of here so I can get my beauty rest,

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