Monday, July 2, 2007

3 Weeks Old

When I am relaxed I like to hold my hands together on my chest. Isn't it sweet and sophisticated?

Boy does time fly! Okay, not really, but I am almost one month old and getting bigger and bigger. I eat pretty regularly and have even had myself a few baths. They are quite relaxing. I just sit there and enjoy the nice warm water being sprinkled over me.


Hmmmmmmmm, me like...

Yes, that is the spot...

Yep, I could get used to this...

This is so nice...
In the last few days I have had a lot of vistitors Grandpa "Pa Pa" Daniels came to see me and Gamma and Patrick. Pa Pa brought me a lot of pretty clothes, a beautiful big, pink blanket. Gamma also brought me many pretty outfits and Patrick held me a lot. It was really nice to see them. Thanks everyone for all the gifts. It is very thoughtful.
And guess who loves to me pieces? My big brother Rogan.

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