Who's the big girl?

Lets see, what have I been up to? I'm still eating well, as you can see, and I decided to make life a little easier for mom and will now take a bottle.

But dad still likes to tease me by getting me to root on his nose. He says I don't do it as much as Rogan used to.

I'm also beginning to smile just a little bit. Mom doesn't think it is gas, but who really knows? I look cute and that is all that matters.

I'm also outgrowing my clothes. I no longer wear 0-3 month clothes, but 3-6 or 6 month onesies. I'm long what can I say? And you might say I have some junk in the trunk (not much) by the look of those rolls starting on my legs. Mom likes it though because Rogan always had tiny legs.
Thanks for letting my mommy hold you yesterday, you are so precious!
Long and healthy are good qualities... I still get called a "tank" by my Aunt Lora for my length and weight. heehee
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