Today I turned 8 months old and it makes mommy very sad. Soon I will be a year old and that makes mommy even more sad. Don't worry though, I will start saying, "mom" soon and that will cheer her up.

On another note, I wear all size 12 month clothes, one piece or two. I love to sit and play with all my toys and make many, many sounds. Currently I am cutting 3 more teeth and I love to grind my teeth together. And my hair is getting long enough that it lies flat on my head. Oh and the other day aunt Megan was over and commented on how beautiful my "electric blue" eyes are. Mom hadn't even noticed. She wants them to be hazel, but after taking a good look she thinks the color they are is beautiful too.

Side note: Mom wanted to make sure I told you that dad dressed me in this purple shirt, with lime green pants and pink socks.
1 comment:
Aren't dads silly? You still look pretty cute even if you don't match!
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