Saturday, May 31, 2008

Perfecting my Walk

Once I started crawling it didn't take anytime at all for me to start standing on my own. Now I prefer to walk everywhere. I'm great at balancing myself when I feel like I am about to fall over. I can take up to 10 steps now.
I have also figured out how to climb our stairs. Dad followed behind me the other day as I crawled all the way to the top.

My communication skills are improving too. When I look at River I say "dog." Now it isn't that clear, but mom can hear the "g" in dog.

And Uncle Jason and Aunt Jill came to visit me this week. Jason was more comfortable holding me this time because I wasn't so little. Hee Hee, I like to eat.
I still enjoy food, but I'm not sold on the table foods. I prefer pureed, thank you. Although I do enjoy cut up fruits, such as peaches and pears.
The other day I woke up early from nap and it was a nice day so dad and I went on a bike ride. It was a lot of fun. I'm not sure about the dinosaur helmet though.
And I just finished my first month of swim classes. I did great. The first day I cried the first few minutes, but after that I really enjoyed it. I think I will go back. Below you can see me doing "Butter, butter pop" and the "Humpty Dumpty" song on the edge of the pool.

"Humpty Dumpty"
"Butter, butter pop"

Rumor has it I am turning a year old soon. I can't wait to see everyone.

1 comment:

Jonah Zane Herzog said...

Skye, that bike ride looks like so much fun! I'm gonna have to talk to my parents about getting me one of those! And I love your swimming pictures! (We have matching bellies!)