Oh, thank you Rogan. Do you know where my clothes are?

Uh, finally, much better.

So, I am 5 weeks old and growing fast. I am 11.8lbs. and 23 inches long. That means I have gained 3 lbs. since birth and have grown two inches, which puts me in the 95% percentile for height and weight. Go me! My doctor says I look good. And have developed something that my brother had, which is normal, but really irritating... the ability to spit up. No it isn't projectile vomiting. More like I get gas and need to burp my milk back up.
Nana bought me this hat with my initials thinking I could wear it come this winter, but she didn't check the size. When it arrived she learned I can probably fit into it for about 1 more week, but who wears hats in the summer?

Good job growing Skye! Sorry about the spit up but you gotta get those burpies out somehow! My mommy can't wait to come see you and your big brother again. Bye bye!
I just saw your Nana at Fred Meyer!
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