Happy Birthday to me.
I am 4 months old.
I went to the doctor today and found out I am in the 95
th percentile for height, 26 inches long and the 60
th percentile for weight, 13.13 lbs.
The doc says I need to eat more now that I am sleeping through the night.
Oh and my head circumference is in the 75
th percentile.

And recently I have discovered my feet.
I LOVE trying to grab them.

Now and then I still get fussy.
Mom thought because I was wearing a shirt that said smile, I would well, smile.
No thank you.

Snuggle time with daddy...

My favorite time of day...bath time.

You are getting so big - and old! Can't believe 4 months has gone by already. Way to go on the sleeping schedule - I bet your parents are very happy, and rested!
You are so adorable, even your sad face is sweet! Tell mommy good try with the shirt though!
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