Last night mom put me on my tummy, which she doesn't do very often because I just spit up everywhere and I showed her a new trick of mine...I rolled right over. Then she propped me up and I did it again and again and again. It was a lot of fun. Before I rolled over though I showed off my baby blues and well, my tushy too.

When I finish I reward myself by sucking my fingers.

Alright I'm ready to try again or I am working on something else?

This is a picture of my brother Rogan at the same age, 15 weeks. Do we look alike? You might notice I have a little more hair on top. Hee Hee.

Starting at 14 weeks old mom began putting me in my bumbo seat. My brother loves to sit by me when I am in it.

Oh, thanks Roggie. You are sweet and if you give me pink eye I will give you a shiner on your other eye. What mom? I was just kidding, geez.

Oh and Gamma bought me this poke dot shirt so mom snapped a few photos for her.

1 comment:
You are getting so big! My mom got out my old bumbo seat the other day and I can barely fit in it. I've been playing with all of the
"baby" stuff lately too.
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