Wednesday, April 30, 2008

10 months old

I'm back! Sorry it has taken me so long to write my next blog, but mom made me crawl to the computer and well, it takes a lot of energy to get this booty moving.

Alright, get something to eat because I am going to fill you in on the last month of my life in the order I started doing things.
  • I'm big enough to sit in the swings at the park.
  • I love to eat these little "wheels" that dissolve in your mouth. If I am fussy and mom is trying to make dinner I get to eat a lot. Hee Hee. I also gets cheerios, but they always end up on the floor.
  • I drink water out of a sippee cup.
  • I love, love, love to stand. In fact, if I could just stand and walk (holding hands) that is all I would do. Mom and dad did not enjoy that phase. Every time they tried to put my down I would stiffen my legs and refuse to sit. But, now that I can push myself up when I tip over, it is much better.
  • I am great at pushing my arms up so that I can sit up [as of 4-16-08].
  • I sign "more." But I do it by clapping. Oh and I love to clap. After I push myself up to a sitting position everyone claps for me so I do the same.
  • Because I am so buff, I now have enough upper arm strength to crawl a very, very short distance. And then I sit up and everyone claps for me again.
  • As of a couple of days ago I ate my first table food, peaches. Yum, yum. I think it is pretty cool that I can eat chunks, small mind you. The first time mom put it on my lips I backed my head away, but then I realized, hey this is food too. Give me, give me!
  • At school, everyday one of my teachers, Erin, puts my hair into little pigtails. Mom thinks I look very cute. She wishes she could do it, but I don't sit still long enough.
  • I say, "mama" very clearly and when I see her in the hallway of my school I kick my feet and wave my arms up and and down in excitement. She loves it.
  • I haven't been in for a check-up in a while, but on my last one I got a fluoride treatment because I have 8 teeth and 4 on the way. Mom is guessing I weigh about 27lbs. What? Is that a lot? Is that why everyone is always trying to put me down. Huh. Something to think about.
Well, it was great catching up. I won't be such a stranger now that I am crawling a little better.



Skye, I love your belly! Can I come over and blow rasberries on it?

Jessalyn Rose said...

Wow - 27 pounds??? My big sister was always in the high end of the scale too. At least you can throw your weight around if your brother tries to get tough!